01580 765600


Terms and Conditions

Extra Large Shrubs

Our extra large shrubs are gron in big 25 litre pots to provide a substantial shrub giving impact on planting, we concentrate on a smaller range of mainly evergeen shrubs including the ever popular Photinia 'Red Robin' and Osmanthus x burkwoodii.

Occasionally we have some larger Rhododendrons in this larger pot size that are always popular!

  • Osmanthus Burkwoodii
    Osmanthus Burkwoodii
  • Photinia Red Robin
    Photinia Red Robin
  • The tiny white flowers of Osmanthus x burkwoodii are sumptuously fragrant making this small leaved evergreen a choice addition to your garden, as a shrub or a hedge. Plant close to a door or path so the scent can be best appreciated!

  • These are one of our most popular evergreen hedging plants, Photinia Red Robin is a bushy growing evergreen with spectacular bright red young growth and also make a great evergreen addition to any border.

How to find us

 At the western end of Tenterden turn south at the traffic lights. Go past the turn to Tescos, we are about a further 700 yards on the left. MAP

Opening Dates

Sorry, no more open weekends in 2020

Click here for leaflet (pdf) showing all plant sale weekend dates

Reminder Sign Up

Enter your email address and we will send you a reminder email on the Monday before the next sale date that starts on the Friday.

Enter HERE

Pricing Information


Ground cover plants £2.50 or 5 for £10

Perennials (2 litre yellow pots)£4 each or 3 for £10

Large Clematis £7 or 2 for £12

Roses £6 or 2 for £10

Rhododendrons and Azaleas £10 or 2 for £18

Extra large shrubs £30 or 2 for £50

Topiary - all individually prices

Shrubs (2 litre pots) £4.50 or 3 for £12

Surplus/Second grade plants - as priced